Aus MitsuWiki
Version vom 9. Januar 2013, 14:53 Uhr von Lookshe (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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/* Das folgende JavaScript wird für alle Benutzer geladen. */ /////////////////////// // Table Filter/Sort // /////////////////////// // specific to // TODO ?replace by jQuery plugin datatable? function initTableFilterSort(){ // see MediaWiki:SortTableFilter.js /* Note: problem is auto-inserted <tbody></tbody> by the browser: must be removed and replaced by thead + tbody. jQuery.unwrap() was not successful */ // add possibly more classes from // Note: only applies to non-nested tables var jAutotables = $('table.table-autosort, table.table-autofilter, table-autostripe,table-sorted-asc,table-sorted-desc, table-filtered'); if (jAutotables.length) { // Note: in MediaWiki:SortTableFilter.js 'InputFilterTitle' was not recognized $.extend(true, $.jI18n, { en: { AutoSortTitle : 'Click to sort', FilterAllLabel: 'Filter: All', InputFilterTitle: 'Filter text (case sensitive, uses reg. expressions)' }, de: { AutoSortTitle : 'Zum Sortieren klicken', FilterAllLabel: 'Zeige: alle', InputFilterTitle: 'Text filtern (GROß/klein!, nutzt reg. Ausdrücke)' } }); // get sortable/filterable here already otherwise multiple th-filters $.getScript(mw.config.get( 'wgServer' ) + mw.config.get( 'wgScript' ) + "?title=MediaWiki:SortTableFilter.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript", function(){return true;}); // modify tables to introduce thead structure jAutotables.each(function(index){ //TODO simplify code? if()… // There may or may not be a tbody around tr. NOTE: $.unwrap() does not work here! // Memo: find('tr th') finds th, .parent() retrieves tr! .wrapAll will wrap inside DOM, not in return value! .detach() returns detached // OK in FF 3.6 and IE 7-8, not in IE6 (like the old code) // FURTHER WORK: Ideally, all normal tr td should remain in a tbody. var jThis = $(this), jThead = jThis.find('tr th').parent().detach(), jTfoot = jThis.find('tr[class=tfoot] td').parent().detach(),// remove it from the DOM jTbody = jThis.find('tbody:first'); if (jTbody.length===0) { jThis.children().wrapAll('<tbody/>'); jTbody = jThis.find('tbody:first'); } jTbody.before($("<thead/>").append(jThead)); if (jTfoot.length) { jTbody.after($("<tfoot/>").append(jTfoot)); } // th with class="input" gives an input field instead of selections $(this).find('th[class=input]').append('<input name="filter" title="'+$.resource('InputFilterTitle')+'" size="8" onkeyup="Table.filter(this,this)">'); });// end each() } // END if any autotable } /* mediaWiki.loader.state({"site":"ready"}); is appended and takes care of the document ready event. If $(document).ready() is used, for forms $ is then unknown. Scope or closure problem? (AP 2011-02-20) */ // When document is completely loaded $(document).ready(function() { // initImageZooming(); // initTargetHighlighting(); // page-internal jumps // initmoveTOC(); // TOC CSS position fixed or static // specific to initTableFilterSort(); // tests internally whether table with corresponding classes exist }); // end $(document).ready() // ***** CAN initCollapseButtons BE DELETED? // TEST: COMMENTED OUT // initCollapseButtons(); // strongly changes page layout: execute first // initCluetips(); // page specific if(mw.config.get( 'wgAction' )==="formedit" || mw.config.get( 'wgCanonicalSpecialPageName' )==="FormEdit"){ // initConfirmDeleteSubform(); // initMarkAllFilledFormElements(); } // specific to // initCollapsebox(); //collapsible parts // </source>